

Olga Mirimskaya

Born on February 14, 1964 in a family of aircraft designers. She was graduated from a specialized foreign language high school in Zhukovsky City near Moscow.

In 1986 Olga Mirimskaya graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics of the Plekhanov Moscow Governmental Economic Institute, and joined the PhD program at the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union. At the same time, she worked as a researcher in the department of management until 1990 under the guidance of prominent Soviet scientists L.I. Evenenko and A.A. Kokoshin. She was a member of a research group involved in the development of scientific and applied approaches to the analysis and design of organizational management structures in production and research associations.

In 1987 - 1989, Olga Mirimskaya passed the internship at the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, was an adviser to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on conversion issues, taught a course in economics at the University of Maryland under a scientific exchange program, and worked at the Center for Strategic Initiatives under the US Senate.

In 1990-1992, she studied International Politics at Georgetown University (USA) receiving a master's degree (MSc). In the same years, she completed an internship in marketing and recruitment at the offices of the World Bank (Washington, USA) and Mars Corporation (Slough, UK).

Back in Russia in 1992-1994, Olga Mirimskaya worked as the chief consultant at the Menatep-Inform publishing company.

In 1994, she became the head of the food industry department in ROSPROM company, and has been developing Russian food industry since that time.

In 1996, Olga Mirimskaya assumed the CEO position at RUSSKY PRODUCT, a company that she founded by uniting five formerly state-owned. The merger was implemented to maximize company competitiveness and optimize resources for further development.

Until 2008, Olga Mirimskaya was the chairperson of the management board at RUSSKY PRODUCT.

The company is a leading manufacturer of grocery products in the Russian market. Over the past few years, its revenue has almost doubled, and at least 20-30% growth is anticipated in the short term.

Olga Mirimskaya embedded a progressive approach to development, innovation, and achievements in the company's DNA.