RUSSKY PRODUCT employees took part in an offsite blood donation campaign

RUSSKY PRODUCT employees took part in an offsite blood donation campaign
RUSSKY PRODUCT employees took part in an offsite blood donation campaign
RUSSKY PRODUCT employees took part in an offsite blood donation campaign
RUSSKY PRODUCT employees took part in an offsite blood donation campaign

RUSSKY PRODUCT employees took part in an offsite blood donation campaign. They will be entered in the donor database and will be able to help people in need.

Blood donation is a person’s responsible and conscious choice. Experienced donors maintain a healthy lifestyle and prepare carefully before donating blood. There is an idea that rare blood types are more in demand, but this is not entirely true. In fact, there is a greater need for blood of the most common groups. You can track the needs for specific blood types on the Blood Service website.

We are proud of our donor employees, and we hope that this positive event will become a tradition in our company.